"My job here is to stay that guy who is not afraid. And I am not afraid!" - Alexei Navalny Dear Mr. U.S. Government, and associated agencies, commercial activities, including private, public and ancillary, large and small, Nothing good comes from eavesdropping on people. Please stop eavesdropping on me. And while you're at it, if you could avoid scheduling flights over my home when when I communicate political views you don't like, I'd appreciate it. Marcus (MAJ) Lewis P.S. Ahh, anyone out there on the interwebs curious about what this is all about? Okay there pals, here we go. I will try to be lighthearted to make this more digestible. Sit down. What appears to have happened to me, is that post 9/11 with the rise of surveillance capitalism and the turning of tools meant to protect us from our adversaries toward ourselves, a number of folks up in DC area institutions, and in other institutions, private and public, got a case of what they used to call LOVEINT when I was in the service... for... Me. Why me? It's like winning the lottery. It has to be someone. My family is very lucky like this (see below). For members of the military, maybe some secret caveat, rather than law on the books, because I can find none, allows for blanket warrantless wiretapping of any particular boot. (And if that boot belongs to a former, though unquestionably insignificant, intel officer, it fits rather high and rather tight.) And this loophole got me the blue star. Or perhaps it was precisely because I have never been so attention-seeking, that a bug in the precognition subroutine of the FISA algorithm crept out of recursion, and the Hairy Eyeball of Sauron turned its attention to Samwise Gamgee, a.k.a., me, of the Lower Cape Fear. https://youtu.be/wzFmPFLIH5s Not sure why, like I said, but nonetheless: Strange and disturbing activities (too numerous to list here, but which I will list pretty soon) emerged during the Obama administration, in and out of my life, my personal and professional affairs, including, but not limited to - yes, this is true - hearing my words in the mouths of senior political leaders, Left and Right, seeing my business and other intellectual properties shopped around like Chinese counterfeits to strangers, having distant friends and associates, random people I didn't know, including drug addicts, the occasional law enforcement officer, homeless people, shabbier, new members of my reserve unit, clients who contracted my business, and strangers on a plane, make oblique and not so oblique references to things I said and did in PRIVATE. And when I would blog about current events, or even speak in private about the latest Twitter trends, if I showed any sympathy for political views out of favor with the consensus, a moving target, to be sure, but more recently anything Trump positive, commercial, military, and civil air traffic would stage shows atop my iPhone coordinates. (Hats off to a bold, plausibly-deniable move from the powers that be. Given Air Traffic Control out of Leesburg, VA, ZDC, manages Southeastern NC, I'll let you be the judge of the veracity of this particular oddball occurrence. I'll stake my claim that it is, indeed, and voraciously so, veracious.) It was like a politically excitable crackhead working at some three letter agency had moved into my soul, stripping out the copper to sell for more crack, helping themselves to all my hopes, dreams, and aspirations. This all went down while I was attempting to get a foothold on normal life activities, post Iraq deployment, post going through a difficult divorce, post other hard family matters, and no matter how many times and ways I tried to get it to stop, it didn't, and in fact continues to this day. (So please indulge me just a few more questions:) What unholy gunk stuck itself to my shoe, y'all? Did some "connected person" think I was E.F. Hutton, and then get a case of the sads when I didn't pick his team? To be sure, I'm not on anyone's team, nor desire to be, except, maybe, the local skydiving club when I can afford to jump again. https://youtu.be/1tG-g-TfBww Did I talk about Fight Club? I barely leave the house, y'all. My hobbies: Skydiving (when I can afford it), surfing (cause it's cheap), and square-dancing (cause it's cheap and fun). Recognize a pattern? Whatever it was, neither was I ever then, nor am I now, Double-o-three-and-a-half, Public Enemy #2, or Prognostradamus of the Northeast Cape Fear River. https://youtu.be/URQF9KkbU7s I am a booger-eating reservist who ONLY chows down on those salty goblins (https://youtu.be/i5NHx6GhMlQ) one weekend a month, two weeks a year, and only ever has, with JUST a couple deployments under his belt, and a FEW moments of putting out his two cents onto a public blog, and even then, always careful to strike a modest, middle ground, so as to convince rather than cajole. https://youtu.be/tVidK2kagPA That's it, there is nothing more to my "public service career". I like to read and stay informed, more than the average Swinging Richard, I'll wager. But that should not qualify me to influence public policy, especially when said influence comes via the random musings I blurt out while taking a crap. Nor should I be punished or harassed for holding private, or even public, political and social opinions. As noted, I protested the oddball activities and subsequent harassment to my representatives and military leaders. Nothing came of it. My local congressman's aide tried to help. He was ignored. You'd think that asking to be let alone through the right channels, willing to let the whole mess go, even after it had cost me relationships, chances to remarry and rebuild a family, private, public, military and business aspirations, measurable personal and financial harms, and permanent pain to vulnerable members of my family - you'd think asking nice would work. But I have reasoned that our system can't do anything for me, because it's not set up that way: I lack both money which moves politics, and rank which moves the military. I also have no celebrity clout, as I prefer, at least I did once, to remain anonymous, This is why I'm writing now. Because, really, why don't they back off? I have ideas: First, they're embarrassed. Second, ashamed of not being able to stop (like many addicts). Third, afraid of going to jail. And fourth, I surmise they're trying to protect a bad idea, that's the tip of the iceberg of some other really bad idea or set of ideas that have burned through vast amounts of tax payer money, with little to show for it except perhaps renaming the popular movie "Saving Private Ryan," "Ruining Major Lewis," or - as it's likely not just me who won this lottery, but that it was just my year - sequels like "Punching Down on Petty Officer Paul," "Garroting General Jim," "Accidentally Killing Sergeant Sadie," or "Lifting Lieutenant Larry's Life's Work," etc. I haven't been more public, sooner, because I hoped whoever was behind this would retire or move on to the next mission, like bureaucrats do, and I didn't want to cause our country any more harm than the attacks that got me into service. I'm not a bomb-thrower. But they won't stop. I'll be 50 years old this year. This started in my 30s, y'all. https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Bilbo%27s_birthday_speech I need it to stop. Really. Stop it, y'all. We're dealing, I believe, with, somehow, someway, a set of highly connected alcoholics drunk, not on booze, but power, selling the lives of others as their own, who have direct access to tools that are supposed to be used for security, but instead are being used to purloin the purse (and hearts, and minds) of the common man. They are going to either drink themselves to death, harm more innocent people, or someone will intervene and save their souls. Consider this my intervention. Whoever is pulling the wagon train here needs to know that if this was a recruitment effort gone awry, I will never join any organization, however special, that on a persistent-stare basis, secretly watches me pee, poo, have sex, eat, sleep, argue with my son, my lover, myself, make up with my son, my lover, myself, pet the cat, pet my monkey, read books, read random B.S. online, watch TV, watch YouTube videos, doom scroll, listen to nostalgic punk records, listen to power pop, listen to Beethoven, listen to my tinnitus and wonder if its sudden onset in the middle of the night five years ago while I slept, accompanied by crippling back pain and numbness in my legs, had anything to do with this nonsense. That's not a special organization. That's a cult. And a sick one. No cults for Major Marcus. Because: You have not only hurt me and my family, but also, Foreign adversaries gleefully wreak havoc in our system, already, and now get to pile onto situations like this, making things harder for people in the security world to do meaningful work. Megalomaniacal rich cats and sanctimonious tech bros, eager to grand stand about internet freedom while larding themselves piggy fat on money earned by sticking their noses up the entire world's ass, are jumping in on the game, too, drooling with the joy of exercising that sad, billionaire-nerd fantasy of finally getting to stick it to the man. (Just buy another yacht, bro.) Your local Barney Fife beat cop is here, too, in way over his head, getting in a share of licks, because, you know, "Yeehaw, I can read any feller's emails! Hey, that idear is a good one. Can't wait to tell Andy!" It happens. And no Andy Taylor's (https://youtu.be/It2TE4OuG-U) around to put a stop it. (Andy, like any decent leader, could not stand to work in such places.) Divers and sundry DC hangers on, too, your pol-mil-media pipe swingers, the usual bottom feeders, who love to slide around in this kind of muck, are spreading it across the tidy lawns of hard working taxpayers, distracting us from issues that matter (like so many, but for example, record national debt, hyper-inflated housing costs, rising crime, gerontocratic leaders, etc.), and misbelieving, possibly, they have accessed some super secret special government program that measures the population's psychokenetic energy, when in fact the zeitgeist they're metering - and tacking their ship (of fools) into - is nothing more than the winds resultant from the frozen pizza I and the other poor souls caught up in this maelstrom of incompetence and ruin ate last night. All, all, all, swept up in the fever-rivers downstream from a LOVEINT loveboat that struck my rocks over a decade ago. In other words, they, you, are enabling, them, these children, to play with fire. And there are bigger fires to put out, so we needs not be starting more. So, what do we do? Again, leave me alone, to start, and then try, for once, just try being honorable (like what you taught me to be, remember?): First, an apology, to me and all others in whose lives you've tried to play God, from a senior political leader, and when I say senior, I mean the very top, where the buck stops, in writing, on embossed letterhead, and in a public speech that we all get to hear, so this gets cleared up and can be put in the past, so America is stronger and better for it. Second, I need to be paid back for everything I lost, as do others. Third, I need a legal document swearing this will never be done again, to ANY AMERICAN, and guidelines for punishment that will be exercised for those responsible, whether from public or private avenues, that they be disbarred, disbanded, fired, or put in the slammer, to sit a spell and think a while, so it never happens again. After that, let's pass legislation to end FISA expansions, the Patriot Act, and outlaw commercialized data collection. Put Acxiom, Facebook, Google, and other internet creepers - that is, the entire industry of data brokerage - out of the Surveillance Capitalism business model for good, and reinstitute constraints on wiretapping tools. https://privacybee.com/blog/these-are-the-largest-data-brokers-in-america/ Then, we'll have a big party, a new Fourth of July, and focus our attention on the things that matter: family, friends, the local baseball team, weekends off, service to others, freedom to worship as we please, or not, in a life devoid of the dangerous and clumsy interference of secret power. -Marcus P.P.S. If you are one of the good or bad people, or somewhere in between, trapped in the cult, I will help you out. I will rescue you. I don't mind. It's easier than you might imagine to break free. Come talk to me over a beer and we'll figure out how to help you escape and unwind all this bullshit before it gets even worse. P.P.P.S. A History Note: America created and used extraordinary surveillance powers during the Cold War because we thought we had to, because we had idealogical and political enemies with nukes pointed at us, imposing an iron curtain separating free from slave. And even then, these tools were not considered in keeping with our values, and we looked forward to the day we'd retire them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkpoint_Charlie Most of us did. Some, I suppose, didn't. https://www.britannica.com/topic/military-industrial-complex And now that we need again to carefully thread the needles of statecraft in order to avoid conflicts with nuclear armed peer-adversaries, it's not a time for games. We need our tools well-tuned, and our freedoms well-guarded and cherished. Because... individuals swept up by ideology - religious, political, military, media, corporate, or otherwise - present avenues of attack for America's current crop of adversaries to exploit. We're all of us vulnerable to righteous-minded passions; checks and balances ensure we keep each other in the frame, so no one passion dominates the others. This is how diverse teams stay well-aligned; it makes a strong defense. Furthermore, even good people can fall victim to the natural corruption of power, unaware that they are doing something very, very wrong, hurting themselves the most. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. But bad people seek power and actively use it to hurt others, because they are broken. Don't be evil. Don't be broken. https://time.com/4060575/alphabet-google-dont-be-evil/ Dear Other People who Hate on America and our Ideals, This includes nations, anarchists, assorted bomb-throwers, rhetorical, and otherwise, megalomaniacal rich dudes, Democrats, Republicans, Socialists, MAGA folks, DEI warriors, conservative activists, liberal activists, libertarians (thought you were off the hook, did you?), members of the press, ivory tower denizens, etc., all of you. You seem unaware of the luxury deal you've fallen into. I encourage you to travel. You will discover why we have an illegal immigration problem. You will not like a world where a less competent, more conniving, less democratic nation exerts dominance over others. For example, countries that support ideologies where if you want to leave them, they shoot you in the back. https://youtu.be/bNMzU8Da80Q I strongly recommend lightening up a bit, and coming together, exercising good sense. https://youtu.be/2H-Cs-fi5tA -Marcus P.S. You are all STILL disinvited to my birthday party. Off the list. P.P.S. This was not a catastrophe, Vlad. They're celebrating.: https://youtu.be/2xjqlwHvrYs P.P.P.S. My family's "generational wealth" (oddly enough, a favorite subject these days among the more soft-headed Trotskyite-spectrum lefties in the well-heeled chattering classes*, who seem also privy to the abusive surveillance on MAJ Marcus, DC-designated "everyman"), amounts to a trashed out set of ratty industrial buildings that has taken months to restore under near slave labor conditions because my family's too broke to pay me... leading a motley crew of homeless vets and surf bums (my coalition of the willing), burning days, nights and weekends, and assorted debris, t-boning my relationship with my son; a gnarly house in the suburbs my mentally unwell sibling destroyed years ago which I and my brother-in-law fixed up prior to me going on (another) military tour; a couple of trashed out doublewides my parents got when they retired, one where my old ma used to live, who though a beautiful lady also had a lot of cats and hoarded stuff, which I had to sort through and dispose when she left this world, a ratty old building my dad purchased and nearly bankrupted himself restoring, in his 70s, after he built back up his life after losing it all in his 60s, so he could leave something to his kids for his lifelong efforts grinding at the wheel, a splotch of beach property that costs us more to own than to use, which we only have because my mom, a schoolteacher, and my dad, a landscaper, worked their butts off to acquire when people lived at the beach because it was considered more affordable than in-town housing, where college kids would dare themselves to break and enter, terrifying my family, because it was so trashed out it looked legit haunted; and a small, ratty farm with a good deal of land too low to use, which we are trying to fix up so a sibling with similar hoarding tendencies can have a decent life because she married an "artist" who just recently at the tender age of 48 got a full time job... that farm, that place, such a source of division in our family it spoiled my father and his sister's relationship for years, being purchased in part with the insurance money from the tragic car accident that killed his brother in front of him giving him PTSD nightmares for seven years starting in his late twenties, which he never really got over, which threatens to break us up, again. Thank God for all this wealth!! We're so lucky! Drool. Generational wealth. Drool. Drool. White privilege. Drool. Drool. Duhhhhh. Talk about useful idiots**. Sideways, with the American Flag, up yours, all of you. -Marcus *. https://www.wordnik.com/words/limousine%20liberal **. https://youtu.be/LH-i8IvYIcg --- No surprise, but the above illicited an expected reaction within days. I should emphasize that I try to be levitous here only to keep above grounds scarred deep. I appreciate any offers to make amends, however oblique. But I have spelled this out, clearly: 1) Accountability 2) Acknowledgement 3) Real Amends 4) Real action to make change. -Marcus P.S. I'd like to add that the FB page I use solely for the marketplace feature, after I posted this, has been inserting underage girls into the suggested reels feature. Your tax dollars at work? I'd like to think we're better than this... P.P.S. Give 'em Hell Harry S. Truman once said, "I don't give them hell, I just tell the truth about them, and they think it's hell." https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/historyofus/teachers/pdfs/segment13-1.pdf 35ef e99f segmentation fault (core dumped) €ž2U@e 0225 48e2 a409 8bad 8f9a 0cc5 c8b5 8603úî> Aó>„2U@e9*€Ÿ �;Yú��@X b1 0e6c 5e50 3a9c 6ab7 51cd 7cb6 9bf7 36e4 8aad 7e3f f69d 35ef e99f 7fb2 df1d ec42 5ee3 947a 2ea6 d6ed 8d6d bb7f 316a 28c7 dc33 7f34 fa8e 4bd3 79e4 2adc 445a 874b e4f2 f53b a1f7 5fcf ffff ffff ffff ed77 dbb9 896d 7079 684d 63d1 cd1c b742 a842 ec59 13e3 88cc 37fa 6dbe aa22 7b25 41a2 7c9b 9a20 0114 8c70 ddd4 064d 07ba cd45 20c6 4285 8e92 2560 13e9 f593 2f16 d9a4 bdb1 6c28 5c99 ddbe cb53 36ff f382 c430 3444 0e6c 095b 7801 aac2 a9d5 6ac0 9602 4416 a550 4691 cecd 150a 1af5 c7ac 9773 8c5c 52a8 5655 b12c fbe2 17ff 56c6 338c d69f 1f19 f2d2 1677 e3e2 25ef 9a57 7bce bd77 9d7f f79c 5b38 fe58 bed7 7ba7 da85 1b35 7b87 cd6c dbb4 16a6 68d0 62b0 aa6b 6b55 ed71 5d5a 365e bd6e 7262 8d96 57ad ccd2 a767 9666 27d9 d637 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0b3c 17e9 f21a 698e bd27 d468 dd3e 50dd b1da bd1e 2ba5 7c20 01a5 dc58 d8cf a790 2f3f b5b3 9929 2528 aca6 1b2c 8412 0999 0ca4 35c5 b636 f37b f851 b42a 30e2 8410 5235 66a7 7e0f 8efe ff9d bb72 6c68 aa97 5337 c34c dfb7 d7ed 334e 219f 53a6 450c 416c 5050 5253 8e3f f9af ff8a b9e1 2a08 36aa 38ff 9b1c c959 aff5 d322 5988 4189 6f6f 5179 4ff1 5649 570e 1ffb d14c 414d 4555 5506 5400 9a8a 7640 4a28 0369 7701 31c6 1e09 03a6 b00a 8a65 9f29 fbcf 1c9b b945 a9a7 b0b5 a26e 04d8 5eb4 2c49 f38a acc3 8958 6b08 fff3 82c4 ff31 7bfe 7004 e3d0 dcf1 2617 2008 1d2b a565 4313 3092 edcc a617 0209 449a 8598 af71 983a d6fe 60ea 0699 158d ed8f 490a 55c5 b751 a97b 5e3e 2faa dcc2 2511 7e99 cf65 f7a2 9da5 dadb 2b34 f8c3 259d e0d7 b66d 6fdb ffff 66ff b7f4 dbdc d38a a167 2473 0a0b 8719 b9df 0ba7 d9db f74f 1148 5e63 768d ed86 634f d27f 3c69 f7af 9efb 1741 e1d0 05aa b6b6 a84e 09c9 69c0 9879 4555 8285 4066 3916 87d7 4642 c2ac a359 0d02 e033 0abb ccce 1060 a618 3809 091c 17c5 d689 a5bc b24b 2a95 d484 d8b1 9f6c 4e5e a4bd 6f2b 75a0 09c9 7374 6bff f382 c4f7 2ed3 ee7c f6db ccdd 902a 762c 0281 9bd2 9eac 4450 eaa5 0c3c ecd5 9604 85d6 4c51 b03e a5fd 0546 76b3 95da d2db 352c 6ab4 5be9 68b3 904b 261f d80d 9cc3 6f8b ab2b b59d 3678 d6ca 334b 3196 030a 5154 20b7 18b0 93b4 7f6d 4ab1 132f 71c4 4b7f 535d ddf3 ebff ff35 37c3 d23d c0e5 7869 64ab f6e1 1177 316c c7fa 49b9 0fc4 858f c651 56e4 ab30 9dd7 8f81 6a48 3cd9 0d8b a4a3 39ff f0d1 7e34 55bb b953 5e94 6a3f dffa a14c 414d 4533 2e39 382e 5900 4a69 24ac cf44 368d b338 0e4c 8cc7 0c0b cd2d 9536 5437 e0cd f221 f138 bf3e 7f99 fff3 82c4 ff34 f412 6000 e610 ddda f98e 6aa7 ea93 f39f b163 2a16 56ef 4a1e 9797 8fa4 b61b 8bc8 25f1 aaf6 64ce 6123 27f3 e579 5653 8750 5438 3c7a 3aff 7553 9882 2e66 71a5 2299 2b47 5714 6294 4c07 b18c 0417 38a5 9dc8 f693 6fff fccb 9ee9 d0db 324f 2964 110b 3020 9e80 0c20 0fcc 772a ff8d d32e c851 84dc 81e9 9094 0f4d 075b 4ee5 576d 68f9 7463 a662 9375 8843 e5cf 1c28 5c41 fd68 1b83 1249 52a3 b4c4 40f2 40c9 87ed e540 f954 206b 4111 8600 e0a0 9192 9269 e65e 4162 0bb2 93c2 c319 91d0 cac1 741c 863d 4acb 29dc 3563 96c7 d5dc cbff f382 c4e6 2ac3 d690 5ec9 4d74 aeaf e588 deb3 5c73 3755 76a0 2454 a5aa f603 3f0c 0882 3191 4e74 c108 35e4 6aaa 5d7e 73e4 f18a 6fb9 de67 8eae f3f7 f5f0 bf9c ffeb 9c92 c541 3d4a 5ff9 1933 0ca0 1428 3463 2395 733c f642 9429 0084 1638 f151 79ff 3da6 bdf8 748f ff26 cd7f cbd4 a55a 4d55 8d61 31d2 3f3f fffd 7f86 a4d0 d48d fb7f e766 0858 c20c 8018 20e4 4c94 f236 6e33 40c4 d9a9 6f97 e516 454c 414d 4533 2e39 382e 3455 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 00cb 7f72 a303 3010 4327 ae83 bd58 4912 0c84 ff55 42aa b3e6 191c 8502 fff3 82c4 ff31 e41a 6c0c e646 bd4b 61d5 f4b8 5fc5 48db 475c aa7a cf9d c78e b5f8 8bbd c5c9 226e e982 e28e 1130 a1a9 610a 7371 3f14 ca10 5509 2e7d e378 ea33 97df b431 4e74 91d7 6318 4e83 9dcd b663 3ff6 d440 6a0b 075d 08a5 a97f bbc5 4a96 0181 9838 3482 bb34 daa1 9995 11be cd9e f45a 494b cb75 2a0e 0f1c a8e5 635e d757 ffff fab1 d347 5b31 554e 0616 11ce 008c 20d8 55c7 289a 80aa 4b29 2027 1bab 246d 1098 14b0 7272 b187 8286 1072 9a19 0444 2335 d39c d7e4 62a0 10c3 20c5 0801 028c 0047 0a01 c781 e9d4 3c13 0285 51a0 8820 c8c7 79ff f382 c4e0 291b ea80 1ed1 477c 9d8d 0058 b0f1 41e2 616d 0904 8000 4678 2983 1422 1873 019a e186 a0d1 9f10 4408 c397 0a8d 64a2 c6c8 0a99 12a0 0208 7030 050c 4140 11c0 404a 2610 d718 e5f6 b2ce e312 c7ae 5f49 2187 9f49 e792 02b9 29a7 e4d3 f113 81ee f69e 5f4f 9526 3a97 c41f 8bb4 f9e7 bb9e 40a0 8726 4fc5 da76 d187 d26c 40fb 6310 8d00 4150 2c2c f593 0bab 2111 24e6 ca40 9ef2 8610 7324 9dc1 8810 2eca 207b 65c4 3934 cc20 4144 108c 3d36 88ff d988 3a7b 7f3c 17b9 bb9b f61f 7bff 750d b31b b5b2 a2fb c9a5 23d8 7c96 9a14 3239 c6a1 fff3 82c4 ff41 9bf2 5c02 e68c dc27 c51e b913 73d1 b50b 7542 5818 e9b8 dd21 2e9a 4baa f0aa 5879 f72e 0b35 a5a9 4def ea56 4888 4a31 44a5 2256 344c 05b2 e464 a90f f5cb 316e 4299 a555 3e9d 84b8 a511 c804 3c5c c455 1823 6591 a05f c9da a1aa 2c4a d1b5 c988 bc1f 88c3 9cf4 7aab 2ff0 0d02 fe42 d142 687a 8ca1 3100 46e4 a817 3570 8613 82e1 1547 01bd 0b9d 58bb 55d9 8348 7a60 963d 674f bb43 203f 7352 2455 4f55 ea36 c5c3 279f 0c0a 8638 d2cf 6797 6099 81c1 d1a6 7c21 a658 8e1e 2a65 4b82 9d6d c5c9 c569 083f d72d 8a8b 97f5 1abc 6faa 8cff f382 c4bc 4704 0284 0cc9 9ea9 b5e4 eb12 b493 b59c 6842 3908 5f49 168c cc6c 4e24 a04d 152f d36c 89d1 0b2f 442d c916 c4c8 6810 4420 dc2f 6c67 61d0 4119 4ff5 5b02 bdf9 cea3 9dbd 46c6 87c1 86ec b628 140b b34d 9dbe d5c4 b3f6 078f f775 7bb7 957e cec9 5b3c 22f7 079e 3dff e227 9758 dd08 b518 3ead 6299 9a52 8bab 9a85 9839 7fbe 60e1 1995 5218 76bc fb8e d9cd 0520 f83a e4ae 97e7 7865 f86f 529a d18a 17d5 e370 2236 99fc 624d 0f49 97c2 d265 c8e2 6d21 e2e3 ac21 0a3e c909 40f7 a8ea 9b23 0c4d 07e3 74ac c2f4 7222 aee1 a76e 1d82 d97b fff3 82c4 643d ac5e 9620 4619 6c69 158d 380e ad1b 9751 280b 3006 67e8 372a 8372 6220 5c5e 02c7 c92b 0f89 5860 7537 12db 8470 262e 4c66 a28c 2d69 1599 62b1 3167 988a eb2a 435e 241f bc59 6993 f747 011f d1a1 b24b 4860 f971 3920 3870 8e48 4838 0664 c4e4 f68b cf2e 2624 8c71 4e13 89e7 e3ba 0a9f d0d0 9873 a4b9 8647 c365 a7e8 66c9 9728 f610 8f3e 27b6 97ca fb7e f2ba b0e5 35e3 cae6 d2f0 ffc0 e5ff ba9d affa 0008 66fb c70f fd64 0488 a721 c612 60e3 9d8e 3ae8 ada1 804f 46d1 35a2 a395 919d 7faf a428 3023 35b8 da2d 63bd cdaf 15f4 78ff f382 c431 2d13 feae e813 cd8c 915b 0225 48e2 a409 8bad 8f9a 0cc5 c8b5 8603úî> Aó>„2U@e9*€Ÿ �;Yú��@X b125 dbd0 d7c9 92bd 11a4 fd4d d80e 64a1 0e15 c380 42c7 ac85 93bd 3231 af4b 0596 aeb3 1999 fb0c 3de1 5746 d8d1 dfb1 47d6 9856 9f04 2e93 ecac 994f 7e31 55fd 5952 d4e8 9cee 045a 4043 0e1a 5ac8 9c2c f2a0 6b2c aaad 1079 a4cd 2003 2a92 1141 84e9 81e0 f818 4162 0116 98c5 740e 1294 a6e7 7923 baeb 29ca d682 b311 705c 34e2 36dd 526a 00a9 86fb 4dc0 7eed 3aa2 4934 3a20 ceab 72b0 b3f5 4442 1107 0c34 c2ca 4d50 cbb3 2094 261a bbb1 9faa 23d8 ea86 22ff a517 cadd 6d8a 515b 2e9e 1c96 be7c b2b8 861d fff3 82c4 402a 1c06 b2f0 2b0d a893 0c83 f684 81a1 968f c660 449e 6015 9306 07c8 d409 ec22 69c7 8e14 fc11 c6b3 0918 0e15 b17b 09e6 fd6c 6f92 7fa8 3b1e e64b 6c04 3b8b 8b45 1914 9c1e 62a7 9934 79d7 16e3 2d9d c518 0c7c 6fe4 5fbb 90c2 41e4 f1c8 6331 f192 d1fe 43ea 187c 7b57 87c7 d478 0c00 84af 7555 8ec9 2c86 6011 3172 1246 9082 8741 8286 b31c 55ab 3a30 ea22 5e38 79c0 8562 4518 b319 f475 a104 859f fe66 56de 5499 975d 9fc5 db13 2b1f 5256 568c e9ea a1bb 43aa 9f26 5eb5 0c1a a433 700a 87af 09c3 f46c 98ba 9cb1 1b86 d74d ef5b 4fff f382 c45b 2843 c6a6 502b 0da9 6b75 2d6b 80b7 544b 4b44 dd36 5b3e 9d4d b3cb c99a f39f b514 5ce7 d576 9281 46c9 1f32 c747 7ced 5559 5b2c 96ce 353b 6f79 22d4 db38 f39f 2b5c 8f05 d5ea f73d a4c9 7df3 79de 6e3d 4005 b8ca 879b ee25 741c 596e 73a8 aa8c b11b 0be0 b9e0 67f2 2730 e3da bb4f cfe5 6bdd cf3c f0ea 6685 20c0 da31 1fa2 af82 8942 a193 5b21 77de 4d8b 2997 ffff ff55 ffbc 5b3f fe48 b564 31f3 4d56 7aab 90d2 27c7 c889 0a44 45fc 48bb 3157 110f 26e2 6d2b 9a44 4d54 fbdc 4525 59f2 ad54 8d56 143d 9956 2d5f 5876 94f5 526f 5523 fff3 82c4 7e29 03f2 8024 c247 1c8d ff54 9499 5549 99be 1eab 70c2 8b66 ed28 4a45 f9b6 198f 14a4 c4dc 0617 5081 00ba c60e ac8f 9208 0396 fca0 4648 3021 9281 271e 4b3b 50da 0bbf 6ce4 dd8d a821 b213 41c5 bde8 38fb ee6a 048b cb25 fbdc 920e ad8e 5ca8 e1c1 3002 f37b c748 d438 363a d795 9b1d dea2 a56a 3092 04e1 401d 1916 5c35 d3ec 9d8f f63f ffff 9864 ef8d 8fe9 fc57 279a 525e 5878 742b 93d4 cdd8 c41a 01a4 7965 9f97 fe10 3839 595a cbcf ffff fe58 7b2c cd5a 715a fc9b 7fff 9ead b917 eb2b 2292 c066 508a 56db 3bae cfee 6fe6 6596 ffff f382 c49e 2804 0e98 16ca c734 5c63 0200 37db 5344 a893 610f 1204 4ecb f8ff 2df6 b238 2a85 37ac a4a2 f6ca fe83 110c 4c16 150e 8fe9 c78c 213b 6427 6c64 685b 0ec2 4124 5aa0 b6bf 79f8 e16d fd89 b58c 4291 1c2b 9cfd e9f9 e35c e642 dcff ffb7 fbbd 9987 0e73 3a86 1456 4171 60e1 5877 ffff ffec 0357 1fec b4ff 3e69 1862 2d18 7ff2 59ed 6ba4 24f2 c8c8 97fa 2ad6 266b 0156 a9d3 c2fd 8bdd 954a 8ad3 1c81 2ef0 8a88 57c8 bb5c 9205 20d1 5028 0804 0438 29d8 1429 5ec9 e022 0932 1005 8b54 6881 5e95 0512 c61e 6e8b fb16 20c9 6571 c9d7 dd60 fff3 80c4 c223 71f2 a41e cb0a b932 8e2c 13ea 4a0a 0509 0c29 66c0 403a 5705 22dc 6997 b69e 0067 7840 504c a579 3744 5650 f56c 602f f390 feda 95e1 9e1e aed7 b672 79fc ffff fdaf ae96 3e3e 3793 8b66 4985 02e4 d003 4be8 1951 e1a8 0da4 4e2c 85d3 862d 9e3b b0fb 9f2b fba8 b335 f6a7 f9d4 b25d 9720 2a14 ce5c fe58 4664 7d32 993e 6730 7d6c 8459 4cec 257f 3234 633f 865b 2b00 9826 40f9 484f 7500 c84a 4c41 4d45 332e 3938 2e34 aaaa aaaa 0943 b265 422b 9425 0af4 084c 7b06 b211 41f2 1953 1185 c618 6ad1 50c5 084b d4c1 0e2e bd20 3635 fff3 82c4 f730 bbc2 8804 da47 8d0a 7d58 172c 3ff2 59d8 7ecc 3b3c eabb 40e2 b6d7 b4aa 9245 26b1 2db6 7db2 258f cd35 0030 9811 026d 82c4 af44 8b63 18ac 548c d8cf ffff feb2 1973 8062 5401 e21b 6025 5a83 2543 3719 4c88 047a 049b 60af 5030 8430 83dd 65b3 2eb9 436e 9552 f150 57da 56d9 949f e79e 4a43 1670 ca86 0225 48e2 a409 8bad 8f9a 0cc5 c8b5 8603úî> Aó>„2U@e9*€Ÿ �;Yú��@X 9acf 5f34 255b 04e4 8806 2090 2189 164c dbc6 b4b3 d9b3 3828 0a22 ff4d 4c41 4d45 332e 3938 2e34 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 0ed3 6e5c 8f95 7b56 187c 2d99 130c 6d7d 38ff f382 c4ea 2bac 068c 16d2 4744 5409 904a cb8e 40b0 1206 a045 63ee 98ad 5b13 17e8 131d 9709 6501 c40e b8f5 aeb5 6f66 f745 2a39 43a1 2064 115a c8f9 454c 6572 5d3f ff34 a569 54a1 41a2 20a1 e0ea 891c e30c a266 3875 af46 101f 28e1 632c cf11 218c 2ce1 e394 3a3a 24f4 1e41 1c48 e632 3ab2 ef9b b7ff f647 a99c 5526 7308 cc52 90d7 a18b 6ba5 8cca 2a64 008c 243c a529 460f 29e1 5f7a d54c 414d 4533 2e39 382e 342e c580 a619 131d 715a 3583 3063 a4f3 7ea3 2887 cc46 5f36 6025 d200 0980 41e0 b000 c240 f5c2 2303 cad4 79ba 4bdb fb12 472a fff3 82c4 d526 53ce 9c16 cb0a 5e23 147f a614 e987 a3ed 88b1 9174 f5a3 e3eb 5598 8ac5 5273 3151 7366 2c7a 3485 5032 5512 8b62 7054 433a 1909 09a0 6c57 9a8f ffff f8fd 7fff efac a3b0 e854 6304 a385 8782 9110 0021 80d9 e2a3 078d 1c34 556b 9865 eb9f 9191 b4ac 4f0d 533a d45a aa5f 1cff ff3b 7cfa ffad 72b5 1523 4d92 6973 8b77 88b5 ab9e eebe 76f1 8cc7 3208 b232 24fb 1937 4f9e 632e 4c41 4d45 aa0c 0c02 000d 3013 0303 1ff4 2830 0c01 6309 6111 34e0 0ee3 0fa0 1430 201d 330a 003d 3004 00c3 01a0 3903 0030 c81f 2a38 9969 1493 aa9a 4fff f382 c4f5 2e7b e658 04e3 110d 3c6d ede3 398d 4499 3c51 094c 75c6 71b5 3302 dacb f596 78d2 b937 0225 48e2 a409 8bad 8f9a 0cc5 c8b5 8603úî> Aó>„2U@e9*€Ÿ �;Yú��@X 3e87 1ad2 ac73 c648 feb9 11e5 1d6c f01b 5a8d a1eb d775 babf 2d73 3a61 6c6a 4e7a bdce 4436 ffff f988 4e68 c078 2c09 8802 e2b8 9005 4340 2617 8238 5f88 20a5 616c 9860 71c9 5fce 6bba 2333 1e6d fdee 2555 8a63 1bff ffff 9594 a935 5903 6055 6ebf 4f3b 32dc 6165 5617 3860 e714 a2c8 bd61 80e8 0d18 4008 6981 2a44 9880 0389 8318 d218 0b27 5987 5811 1880 0e79 8188 001b 2546 7b80 d653 4ea0 f68c 225c 6dc9 2b1e e0d7 820d 90e2 f12f 7961 fff3 82c4 fa2f abe2 4414 f285 8d28 2715 1361 2f9e f1ba f9ff b2a3 6497 e505 d24c 7d1b 00b0 0b03 41e4 985c 0040 3408 43f0 8224 934d a76c c4c4 c4ca e7dc c7f7 dd4c 5ef6 42cb c22c 5f21 8104 d570 1e8d 8a01 30ff 8fc5 aa80 e813 de1e 541d 46d3 52df ffbf 8875 b699 4eff ffff fffb ebff ffff fb9f a975 c36f 83b6 75d5 fffa 3575 3ffe c77c bdfd cbd5 4c9f 2523 b123 fc22 a9c4 4d0f 9fc3 b52a 40c8 0c18 0a84 198a 21d8 99be 8809 8b78 7818 6848 319f ec06 9863 9cd8 b263 02b9 8a87 865d 46b0 30a8 ecc8 0140 a888 9f7a d15a fcd0 ed42 d1a6 8c88 fcff f382 c4ff 30cb de34 02f6 9654 45fb f7c6 beec c0df 0e25 efbd 5730 1a98 94c7 e2e5 887d 302e 1751 130e e162 94cb f70d 434f a1ea 37c7 2282 3d8f c341 0c7a 879d 6ce7 39ce 5bd5 6b83 9141 1254 30c8 8ac6 7597 35b7 6762 1ecc c0e0 f264 c9ee a753 9633 2ce7 724e 1c8a 082f 140a c897 de7f fe94 a528 f63e 7e7e 6fbc 491f ffef 8d7f fefd ffff fa7f eff1 efff a408 9e94 ff3f fffe 3e35 ef4a 7871 f7ff f8a6 2edf 1e1f 6d67 3fe3 b23d 2d8d ed2f 4962 e6f1 dff8 6f27 5c48 037a e4e4 2ad9 9097 e42a 0932 3148 ef2c 61e4 81c3 65c6 4733 9948 4864 f1c2 fff3 82c4 ff39 53da 3002 f71e 2a06 3610 2858 382c f9b8 b08b b0c5 3bf7 da7b fcc2 cdd3 2cb6 8d19 b5db a9ce 5681 840c ee47 d786 d5fd 465d 1b1d c44d 3195 68fe 3176 4a82 2444 cd2e 8911 3764 32c6 0a8c 990f 0f13 0be3 23b6 f149 e252 c7c5 48e6 88d4 3075 971a 4266 04c0 0879 e424 a269 b0e7 4e72 cba8 421e c8e4 80f3 2aa3 82c6 2b65 0519 de46 df81 7279 a347 3f39 4331 ce23 6d0c a040 bb4b 3a25 12bc 745b d5f3 ffef e5cb 2f2b 3efd adf7 1a40 4466 da22 6916 8653 58aa a560 5b7a 6d4a 4c99 da70 4eff a649 8455 4eb7 64b1 d6e9 542a 1e13 1ab9 eeff f382 c4dd 3333 de4c 275c 4800 931c 79c7 de1b de35 fa70 040a ff1a bdbd 6cc6 440c 2834 4605 7759 5ba9 4929 050b 0301 71a6 ace2 46ed df0a 02a0 6225 8240 2f7e f3e7 69eb 4b08 41c0 80c5 0000 20e0 200d 4a95 aa52 5257 edfc 33cc b72b 3088 18c1 4004 6025 b858 5efe febe 7cd6 1cdf 6de1 f980 430b 7283 e0e0 84c2 1088 2459 8402 2bdf c39f fbe6 74f9 58b1 9f6d e19d 3eb0 e746 4980 812b 20cb 0590 0462 a306 0252 3824 0549 3b19 b35d 2932 7493 1b0c 955c a4bf 452b d496 0d96 ae69 75ec 30df 6deb 9cef f3fb ffe1 0222 30a2 8352 e118 c0e2 8d15 fff3 82c4 d44e 7416 ae5f 99d8 0281 0e0a a191 77d3 9094 6c30 dc14 3087 2051 05ea d577 bcb7 bc3e de58 53e7 dc7f 987e 7dc3 9cfc bbcc fb87 fffa a918 7042 8788 4041 4065 b808 2b85 a998 041c b000 5f86 8d50 b482 0225 48e2 a409 8bad 8f9a 0cc5 c8b5 8603úî> Aó>„2U@e9*€Ÿ �;Yú��@X 43ea 9d75 8a84 9888 1b37 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4495 3238 3acf 3d82 2c40 ad5b 6e50 9501 88d2 e1e8 4b5c da86 091a 9d86 f23d 85a4 6050 c58d 2467 2cca 0365 973a 4f19 35ab 9d43 06f0 ab6e 0fe3 14cd a48e 4436 8c47 d819 0961 4224 89a0 7e4b eb63 337d 5566 6666 66ff b199 a7fc 6333 6e93 fcac 79ec 53cc d3de 5551 0a0c 1be9 ced9 871e 3439 be27 ac97 5d42 750d dbdc bf53 c07d 393f 52ae 5332 b929 0225 48e2 a409 8bad 8f9a 0cc5 c8b5 8603úî> Aó>„2U@e9*€Ÿ �;Yú��@X 34ff f382 c445 2bfc 2e9e f01b cdac f8fc 3d07 b27d 2e9c 2e49 51ba 6713 1420 9539 9296 d708 755d 77ac 2acd c256 ab54 597a db15 b62e fded b9b5 eb0b 39cc baba d737 fcd3 e36b 6763 d39b 71a8 6258 533f 3b3a dce6 358f 77c3 a66f 62b5 2540 82ce 4208 1675 69ad 5d23 2616 5426 2e8a f6f9 27f3 760e d97a 6d5b e86a 9000 900c 9a74 5d03 ffef fffe 62bb 7c8b 8a78 d46b 136f 7ddf a5b0 da16 9f59 ab84 a225 92ff 99a9 bfb9 8d25 6c68 9d4c 59aa 1944 39e2 c750 a03a 512c bbcf 82af 7334 0499 94d2 27a1 521c aad5 71fd 05b1 5d7c a362 3c60 7ac4 f9ae 0496 fff3 82c4 5927 73de 9f10 43c7 c45c cdaa b5c4 a620 9298 1a1c 2138 9a76 f4cf 34aa 70a9 95ba d22b f832 0ea9 9b07 3736 14f0 18e2 9916 c860 d1cb 1540 084d 1399 50df 66bc aa99 d29e 187d e76b 1c14 0692 8890 2fa6 000a a998 0568 0001 ffee aea8 c441 0ece 0a45 f986 122d fb6d 20a4 56b1 7100 9d8e ffe9 335d 7186 e4aa eaaf 8b6b 5819 ab47 134b 1587 a271 352c 4079 bc78 ba52 312e cdbc a88c ecae 761c 3303 5412 4c17 baf2 8381 e8e1 65ad 6996 97ad 4376 0750 d628 7243 e467 bea5 ba90 c6e5 ec76 3597 62ff 3a1d 62a3 1c6c c855 8bc3 f129 2acc 29ff f382 c47f 250c 1697 1a13 078c 2318 669a 9d23 e96a 263b 117b 3f44 922c 9631 9980 f755 2686 6795 5b00 fc87 e1c0 d00e e2f0 0d03 c914 7e4b 4582 075a 167f e86c d0b1 32bd f732 c5da 7fc3 6539 a54f 57f1 f705 5cb1 a8a2 c2c8 3cf1 a248 2d99 4e37 d575 a452 cb65 50c7 6ab6 4755 8f15 cd6d 9558 9637 c574 de5c 2950 a708 b573 368c b366 1bb1 3132 19bd 658c 4903 5066 0ab0 7d6b 5a78 ff8a c76e fd56 6493 8e5f 96c6 3284 9696 d5f8 b30f 2dbb 4f2d 9d4d e355 1cac 58ba 974e 5df0 cd7f a2a2 fdd8 b785 280b 1593 754d ccf7 ffff ff15 0252 0d81 5a65 fff3 82c4 ae29 d306 8aea 43d3 a5f1 bc73 0450 0b80 0d01 cc13 40bc 1292 fa53 2364 1ccc e92c ec8d 9691 8e8b ad2f 5cc9 d45e 4bf4 9732 2f3b 5bf7 5b02 d3dc ae25 3de6 9c5c 94bc 96cc b85a 104c 8422 783c 1c95 0c4b 50ac 328d 6b6a 094a c900 6896 5e79 1836 1693 9088 c567 00f2 a678 e5e6 894a 8e97 54e9 55aa cb0f 7323 8a11 0c16 298b 457d 659b 33b1 8ce8 afd1 f9b3 3ca5 29a1 e7f3 89bb 157b 17f6 2b75 0d76 2fe1 ccb3 f29b 1528 9243 7855 1151 4a4c 414d 45aa aaaa 02e0 146c bfa6 0049 840e 650b 8d10 33ae 8e3c 437e d8c9 0566 05b2 4013 6d11 96ff f382 c4ca 28db 0679 a26b 0b8d e194 d435 2eba ecc6 6a4b ad56 a6ad 6b7c debe bff8 cd6b f59f ffd7 fef5 c5b3 583a f9d6 71ba fcff 9d63 7fdb 4f9a dc15 46ea 5144 27a5 e882 a814 e811 6e55 13a1 daa3 689e 918f d3a6 022c 7a96 c608 1950 83bc 4c49 113f 10e5 5ac9 2a5b 718d 1616 37ab ab69 1a0e b4c5 7ae7 fed2 b195 9ff7 fd6e 537e a9e1 9ca8 e9e1 5a80 e8c3 cba8 3a2c d0ea 4e83 4589 5ff4 551d 4187 85e6 0cc3 ec5c 9250 87b6 1ed1 9a56 5739 6c72 7256 9a67 f968 a2a1 5ac2 e667 23d5 af5e 507c 7892 646b d249 209b 7a27 b814 b535 ba7b 3aa2 c947 fff3 82c4 e329 cb0e 3c4c d3c5 1c53 9b1a c4ed e8ad 3b59 6964 78cb b55a 2d12 c2a6 5a2e 5487 b6dd dec7 e227 0225 48e2 a409 8bad 8f9a 0cc5 c8b5 8603úî> Aó>„2U@e9*€Ÿ �;Yú��@X 24ca 1c6d b438 4ab5 c6a4 d7a6 5039 1eaa 864d 2372 6a9a 9b6b 67db 3adc 25bb e389 751b b6d3 6125 7249 dad0 8274 858d 5b16 52cb 1d2a 8579 5285 3b33 7a3e 7236 4294 daaa 3c3c fe99 ca91 35b4 4cb2 2ac2 4596 8afa db99 72a6 173f 0caf 7492 6e4d a24d 942d 3520 74c2 ea20 74d1 3922 4af1 8e18 83f4 e32e 524c 2ab6 2309 e161 cd5c b196 6ab5 5e44 2015 81d6 c5ad 4256 1428 d48d 485a 0a4c 081d 0269 39c7 2219 039b 1c15 2a20 4093 2a40 acff f382 c4ff 338c 59f4 00c3 d239 f7ab 2c14 25e9 8196 51c8 21f0 a5ba 4cc8 2e91 8a9c 7e84 e2ba 1876 8aa5 ebda ee09 a9b1 0a05 61db e189 6dd1 4dce c439 0ce7 102a 7194 5a9c 89a5 71ef 3f93 f86b a34f 49bd 2778 5501 12c1 a7e1 8699 0690 38c3 4931 c1ec c3ac f2d8 f3cd 8359 7428 c528 1d10 caab 2df7 7089 059e 8174 1a8f 3d82 8537 a448 2a0d 3505 9ba0 7902 081e 9212 8693 8835 e2ea 2919 b70d 3463 8797 4c41 4d45 0fe4 0747 4883 0952 f8a7 2f58 50ae 23dd ecad 509c 66d4 1851 a3bf 9b6d 4e34 abaa debc ab10 64ad 552a 1504 dbb4 ea97 8dfd bb8f fff3 82c4 f42f 8451 f400 c24c 45af a87e 24ed 4c1d c7ac 02a7 d514 b701 49e6 5721 1b52 d446 4c15 1210 9f80 a051 4828 b10b 9299 a222 c826 2614 9d5e 00ca 4603 a703 e016 4de1 53a4 1092 4a41 bcd7 4894 955c c3c2 0e91 c7c3 2ccc 9c48 d7cb dd6d daa2 b799 79aa ad7d cf74 9d64 9e8b f838 35a1 48db 2786 c3c4 3baa d13d eb25 ef51 1f5d 27c9 2922 eca6 969b 8511 4fa3 3aef b92b 80e1 3cd2 d3a3 9b53 e147 97fd 7934 13a5 290b 407c e0ea c3e2 8213 8110 e8f1 005c 5040 764d 21e3 e962 71d4 0921 3ccc d19a 5103 1061 53a8 185a 5a91 1a24 d94d 0ce2 b4ff f382 c4f6 2ec4 25fc 147a 4cfd 3a2a 694c 453c 55ae e30b b2b2 151f 1fb0 93b1 a60a 49c8 e1bf 104d 4534 bc31 8a6e 7056 f578 aaa2 9324 7a0e cc2d a845 064c d2b9 0553 50eb 6b22 7219 5451 31a8 16de 4d1a 2fd7 8435 fece ea70 6d2c 4ba2 3aeb 8399 5d35 0b57 6984 65bb 9364 ba15 1cca 1713 526b 2dce 2926 e265 0225 48e2 a409 8bad 8f9a 0cc5 c8b5 8603úî> Aó>„2U@e9*€Ÿ �;Yú��@X Tom's most well now, and got his bullet around his neck on a watch-guard for a watch, and is always seeing what time it is, and so there ain't nothing more to write about, and I am rotten glad of it, because if I'd a knowed what a trouble it was to make a book I wouldn't a tackled it, and ain't a-going to no more. But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she's going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can't stand it. I been there before. THE END. YOURS TRULY, HUCK FINN.